
Needle blight 5e roll 20
Needle blight 5e roll 20

  • Davian's an older, quirky grouch who takes just about everything very seriously.
  • Hopefully, this should help you organize their relations and their personalities. Here's an outline of the (rather extensive) Martikov family. (To little effect of course, as they are much weaker than Strahd.)Īlrighty. If the Folk ever truly understand that Strahd is actually the cause of their Ladies' disappearance, the Folk will be angry beyond words and attack Strahd relentlessly in retaliation. They believe that communing with Strahd will somehow pass their worship onto the lost Ladies. Because the Ladies no longer speak to them, they've turned to Strahd as a way of messenger.
  • The Forest Folk remember the Fanes and believe that Strahd has somehow become connected to their Ladies.
  • One in five might know a handful of words in Common.
  • The Forest Folk have almost entirely lost their language capabilities and speak to each other in rough Druidic.
  • The Forest Folk are entirely unsettled, living within the western woods of Barovia.
  • Of course, there are likely a menagerie of horrible slurs you could incorporate into role-play.

    needle blight 5e roll 20

    Yes, they still have the stat blocks of druids and barbarians, but narratively, they're known to Barovians as Forest Folk, or Wood Dwellers. The druids and barbarians mentioned throughout the campaign book are instead Forest Folk.They lived in sharp contrast to the far more nature based Forest Folk, who lived amongst the animals and were wild in their behaviors. I mentioned in my previous post on the Fanes that the ancient residents of the Barovian valley were rather uncultured, but settled nonetheless.But, in this particular chapter, how in the world would the Martikovs talk about the druids without actually saying the word, "druid?" It just doesn't work. Under normal circumstances, you could just omit the name/title in conversation/role-play.And sure, druids are actually a real life thing.

    needle blight 5e roll 20

    Saying, "The druids are attacking!" seems the same as saying, "Hey, guys, these baddies with familiar stat blocks and abilities are attacking!" I feel like players almost can't help but be a bit meta when they hear the name of a bad guy they know.

  • This is probably a totally personal preference, but I've never liked it when official game terminology shows itself in a narrative story.
  • Needle blight 5e roll 20 series#

    **** Master Table of Contents **** - Click here for links to every post in the series

    needle blight 5e roll 20

    This time, I'll be reviewing some brief background, compiling a couple of helpful lists for keeping track of the massive Martikov family, and going over the vineyard blights and assault. Howdy people! This should be the first of two parts covering the Wizards of Wine Winery in my Fleshing Out series.

    Needle blight 5e roll 20