For example, if you want to highlight negative cells in red and the cells where the value is less than 200 in yellow, you can do that as well. Pro Tip: You can also highlight other cells in a similar way (in the same dataset). Simply copy any cell that has the formatting and paste the formatting only. So if you add new data to the one where you already have conditional formatting applied, you don’t need to repeat all the steps above. Note: When you copy and paste a cell’s formatting that has conditional formatting applied to it, this will also copy the conditional formatting rules. This can be done by changing the font color only in step 7. You can also just change the font of the cell value (which has a negative number) to red, instead of changing the entire cell color. For example, if you change the value in a cell from positive to negative, the cell would instantly be highlighted in the specified color.
Since conditional formatting is dynamic, in case you change any value in the cell, the formatting would update automatically. The above steps would instantly highlight all the cells where the value in it is less than 0.